The Introduction of Michael
According to the "Bible" records, in the seven-day war with Satan, Michael struggled to maintain God's dominion, against God's enemies, and eventually defeated him. In Christian paintings and sculptures, Michael often appears as a teenager with long blond hair, a red cross (or red cross-shaped sword) fighting a dragon, or a dragon standing on a dragon. The dragon here is Satan.Michael was the first hero to fight Satan. Usually his statues were made by warriors with swords drawn. Another identity of Michael was an angel who counted the souls of the people at the final judgment and led the dead to the other side ", And judge the fate of people after death (also listed as one of the angels of death in the Jewish occult). It is said in Christianity that Michael guarded the soul of Mary, not to be contaminated by others.
The Michael sculpture detail
The angels mentioned in the Old Testament are only Michael and Gabriel, but in Christian culture, Michael is the most dazzling and famous archangel. He not only has the courage and nothing that mortals do not have Comparable power, also has the most beautiful appearance, very handsome. His temperament was brave and courageous. Although he was belligerent, he was full of compassion. He held absolute denial and ruthless annihilation of sinful things.