The Good Shepherd is an image used in the pericope of John, in which Jesus Christ is depicted as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep.
Edward Colston was an English merchant, philanthropist and Tory Member of Parliament who was involved in the Atlantic slave trade.
Metallic brown St. Francis of Assisi standing statue Designed holding a round bowl bird feeder A little bird is perched on the bird feeder Bowl is designed for use as a bird feeder Recommended for both indoor and outdoor use.
The Kitchen Madonna is a reminder of who Mary was on Earth-a wife, mother, and homemaker. Display this beloved statue in recognition of all those who generously serve others and those who create a loving, safe home. Her broom symbolizes cleanliness in the home and spirit.
Black Madonna and child bronze statue and are designed for outdoor display. If there you have some requirements about the black madonna statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, for casting bronze, we are professional!
This madonna and child statue is a great addition to your home and outdoor garden. Made of bronze and finished with expert craftsmanship. If there you have some requirements about the madonna and child statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, for casting bronze, we are professional!
Beautiful and fun cat and mouse statue decor are great for your yard or garden. If there you have some requirements about the cat and mouse garden statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, for casting bronze, we are professional!
Lifesize garden outdoor brass warrior sculpture bronze Japanese samurai statue. Suit of armor collection designed for outdoor and we are happy to offer custom sizing. If there you have some requirements about the life size samurai warrior statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, for casting bronze, we are professional!
Completed in 1841, Horatio Greenough sculpted Washington to resemble one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the statue of Olympian Zeus. The founding father's likeness, modeled on an ancient statue of Zeus, was depicted wearing sandals, cradling a sheathed sword, and pointing toward the sky.
This bust statue is sculpted of the upper part of the Roman emperor, depicting his head and neck, and a variable portion of the chest and shoulders. And it is supported by a plinth.
Standing 12 feet tall and stretching 18 feet long, the crow is a public art piece, a powder-coated aluminum structure. Very life-like design and designed for outdoor use in year-round weather.
A lifesize raven bird standing on a wooden stake spreading its wings and caws, bronze statue. If there you have some requirements about the life size bronze raven garden statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, for casting bronze, we are professional!
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20 Popular Large Bronze Fountain Sculptures
20 Large Outdoor Metal Fountain Sculpture Ideas
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