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why is there a statue of grace o malley?

July 05, 2021847

A seven-foot, four-inch bronze sculpture commemorating the legendary Irish pirate queen, Grace O'Malley, who ruled the seas of the western seaboard unchallenged 400 years ago, was unveiled yesterday in the grounds of Westport House, Co Mayo.

why is there a statue of grace o malley?cid=3

Grace O'Malley (a. 1530 - 1603) is one of the most famous pirates of all time. She successfully defended the independence of her territories at a time when much of Ireland fell under English rule and is still considered today 'the pirate queen of Ireland. '

In the early 14th century the Clan O'Malley, a great seafaring family, rose to their power. They ruled the southern shore of Clew Bay and the most of barony of Murrisk for over 300 years. They were ruthless pirates and terrorised the ships to and from Galway town, taxing all those who fished off their coasts.

Lord Altamont said: "I had the idea that a memorial tribute to this legendary woman was way overdue and I decided to do something about it. Now the statue of Grace O'Malley will look down towards the water and ground where she herself would have walked, near one of her castles, almost 400 years ago."

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