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where is the mothman statue?

May 12, 20211378

Today, in the Cape Point Pleasant area, West Virginia, you can see the Mothman, a 12-foot tall chrome statue with huge steel wings and ruby eyes. Believers who believe in the "moth man" still gather regularly, taking this as a special memorial park.

point pleasant mothman statue

This behemoth suspected of intimidating the survival of citizens and threatening the survival of locals is the Mothman sculpture. The sculpture is located in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and was created in 1966. It is said that this 7-foot-tall statue with a 10-foot wingspan has been denounced as a hybrid animal by more than 100 people. According to a work of researcher Fortean in 1975, Legend of Mothman established a popular movie in 2001, and it quickly attracted many fans and monster-seekers. Therefore, the town followed suit and established the Mothman Museum and built a 12-foot-high Mothman statue on the right side of the town square.

mothman statue back

The first sighting report of the Mothman appeared in December 1966, in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in the southern United States, and the most recent was in November 2015. However, it seems that as early as 1926, several men have seen it near the cemetery. 

According to the results of the eyewitness survey, it is strange that many people who have seen the Mothman either committed suicide or died of mental disorders. Most of them lived less than half a year, and the number of victims reached hundreds of people. Therefore, many people think that the appearance of hawkmoths means a curse, and they can lose their lives if they lose money or lose their lives. They call them "Doombringer"

west virginia mothman statue

The town of West Virginia where the first sightings occurred built dozens of bronze statues for these Mothman, and even built a museum. Tourists who were tired of ordinary tourist attractions and pursued novelty and curiosity flocked in endlessly. And now touch the Mothman statue butt is to show brave.

mothman statue butt

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