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Virgin Mary Statue

August 19, 2020104

On the eve of Easter in 2019, a fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in the French capital shocked the world. When people pay attention to the loss, restoration, donation, etc. after the Notre Dame fire in Paris, have you ever wondered who is Notre Dame? Why is there such a grand old church named after her?

Notre Dame de Paris, with a history of more than 850 years, is one of the most famous churches in the world named after Notre Dame. The exquisite statues inside and outside the church, the magnificent glass windows, and the paintings of famous artists all tell the story of Jesus Christ who has been popular in the West for two thousand years.

If Jesus Christ is the unique male protagonist throughout the two thousand years of Western religious culture, then Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, is the heroine throughout this story.

virgin mary statue

There are churches all over the world named after her; countless painters and sculptors use her as inspiration to create the image of the Virgin in their hearts; and musicians have left her with famous songs that have been sung to this day. The Virgin Mary is the most admired woman in history and the woman who has left the most artistic images.

She is not only the Virgin in the minds of Christian believers, but also the only woman who leaves a name in the Islamic Koran.

Mary, who has been deeply marked by religious stigma, has a lofty status that can be described as "one person is above ten thousand people." However, if this is a true story, then she was only a girl from an ordinary family living in Israel today: because of God’s love, she first endured the humiliation of unmarried pregnancy; later due to fate, she experienced The white-haired man sends the grief of the black-haired man.

virgin mary statue

Maria’s name is Mary in English, Mariam/Maryam in Hebrew, and Maria in Latin. Chapter 19 of the Koran is titled Maryam.Now there are not many stories about her life experience. However, from the four gospels in the Bible, you can get a rough idea of the girl's life trajectory.Mary was born in Galilee in northern Israel. If judged based on the birth date of Jesus Christ, she should be born around 15 BC and died around 40 AD.

virgin mary statue

In the "Bible" story, Mary is a Virgin Mary who combines the virtues of bravery, strength, benevolence, wisdom, forbearance, obedience and so on. She is the embodiment of the perfect woman in the minds of believers.

Although Maria has experienced the pain of losing her child like a thousand arrows, she should finally "enjoy her life." She gave birth to a son when she was a teenager, and he left her when he was 33. The "Bible" story does not contain more details about Jesus' life after her death. One can only speculate that she should have been in her 50s when she died. This was considered a longevity 2,000 years ago.

Believers believe that the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven after her death. She and her beloved child live happily forever in heaven.This is the biggest wish of a mother. The Virgin Mary did it. The story of Maria has been passed down through the ages among believers and will continue to be passed on.

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