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Greek statues with color

September 09, 2020133

Did greek statues with color?

Greek statues with color

The Renaissance interrupted and changed the course of Polychromed sculpture, which dominated the way humans made sculpture ever since its invention by our prehistoric ancestors. It did so unknowingly by concentrating on colorless form, thinking this was the aesthetic preference of classical Greece and Rome. It changed the way humans thought about sculpture and the ideas it conveyed. The Renaissance artists went against the religious and artistic convention of its time, which dominated the way art was made.

Greek statues

The artist and art had again become an agent for change, in the same manner, that the art of our primitive ancestors was. The art of our primitive ancestors affected change through the use of the creative educational expression. It was critical thinking and expression at its best, utilizing not just one art form, but all of them at once. Art evolved alongside language, ritual, and spirituality. It employed color, form, mimicry, symbolism, abstraction, music, song, dance, storytelling, and ritual. It was a means to express and communicate intent. To affect both changes in the minds of their children, and communicate cultural identity and unity to others. The age of enlightenment that was the Renaissance recaptured the original purpose of artistic expression. Art would never be the same.

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