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Balto statue alaska location

August 19, 2020230

Balto's statue, a big favorite in the centralpark , is located west of East Drive and 67th Street and north of the Zoo.Balto statue is to honor the Alaskan malamute that led a sled dog team in the delivery of diptheria antitoxins to the citizens of Nome, Alaska in 1924.  The Balto statue, sculpted by Frederick George Richard Roght, was dedicated in December 1925.

balto statue

balto's statue located in the centralpark 

balto statue location

The Balto Statue is located within Central Park and is pretty easy to find with the help of most online maps.Balto's statue, a big favorite in the centralpark , is located west of East Drive and 67th Street and north of the Zoo.

The hero is Balto the sled dog who has nobly stood on a rock outcropping since 1925. His statue, a big favorite in the centralpark Park, is located west of East Drive and 67th Street and north of the Zoo.In front of the statue a low-relief slate plaque depicts Balto's sled team, and bears the following inscription: 

Dedicated to the indomitable spirit of the sled dogs that relayed antitoxin six hundred miles over rough ice, across treacherous waters, through Arctic blizzards from Nenana to the relief of stricken Nome in the Winter of 1925. 

Endurance · Fidelity · Intelligence

balto statue alaska 

Back in 1925 Nome, Alaska was stricken with a horrific diphtheria outbreak. Not enough antitoxin was available to treat all the sick until teams of mushers and sled dogs battled a blinding blizzard and traveled 674 miles to deliver the medicine.Balto, a husky, was one of the heroic lead dogs.

Balto (1919 – March 14, 1933) was a Siberian Husky and sled dog who led his team on the final leg of the 1925 serum run to Nome, in which diphtheria antitoxin was transported from Anchorage, Alaska, to Nenana, Alaska, by train and then to Nome by dog sled to combat an outbreak of the disease.

In recognition of such bravery, the famed Brooklyn born sculptor Frederick George Richard Roth was commissioned to create a lasting tribute. 

Roth, whose other work at Park includes Tales of Mother Goose and Dancing Goat and Dancing Bear, unveiled the statue on December 15, 1925. The most important among the honored guests was the real Balto himself.

Over the past nine decades, Balto's statue has been a favorite as evidenced by the deep burnishing of his ears and back. Children and others frequently climb up on him for a photo op, or to contemplate life and the stirring words on the statue’s plaque: Endurance · Fidelity · Intelligence. Good words for today's heroes and heroines too!

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